Sunday, October 21, 2007

In other news:

I'm getting along in my new book. Halfway done. Its about this woman's life with her mother and why one day she killed her. Its very deep. I love the way Alice Sebold writes. Its so multi dimentional, like she went through these people's entire lives and then the story comes. It weaves in and out of the past and present, so you're in this woman's mind. Very good.

Speaking of mothers, we (my brother and 2 cousins and I) were marveling at the fact that my mom can carry on a conversation with herself. Like, she walked into my cousin's room and starts rambling on about a paycheck she couldn't cash and walmart needs employee verification, yada yada, and my cousin said NOTHING the whole time. Then she goes, "ok," and left. She does that to me all the time, especially when I'm reading or writing. For me, when I'm in my room I kind of don't want visitors, but she just walks in, talks for 5 minutes, and then leaves. She also tends to think we need this particular update in her life, because she says stuff that implies we should be keeping tabs. "you didn't bring me a candy bar? You know I'm its that time of the month!" And how would I know this if you didn't tell me? I wouldn't know when mine was if I wasn't on birth control...

I got my whip for my halloween costume last night. The party responsibilities have been taken out of our hands and given to the guy who threw the house party last time. Great! We weren't really getting serious it seems, and I really just wanted to have a party to GO to so I could look fly, so this is great. I just gotta find a way to get there. I don't know if I want to ask Breezy cuz he gets off an hour before me and I don't know if he wants to wait. But he's in TX for his birthday, so I'm holding off on plans til I talk him.

Tomorrow is Lauren's and my friendaversary! Yay! I have decided what to get her but I won't mention it until its gotten. She knows what it is but I don't wanna mention it until its final. We've been friends for 10 years! Yay! I can't imagine what a messed up person I would be if I didn't have her. Just a bundle of crazy. Ok, I might be a bundle of crazy now, but without her my knot might come aloose, leaving me as crazy scattered all over the place, lol. And who wants to deal with that? Only the cats I would inevitably have by now. They like knots and when things scatter. I have gone off on a tangent. Basically I would be lost without my Lala.
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Jameil said...

yay for friends!! frightened of this costume. a lot. lmao @ your mom. my fave thing about my dad is that if i go to my room he does not bother me. great. oh and that he's super quiet when he thinks i'm sleeping.

La said...


and also, WHAT AM I GETTING?!?!?!?

Jameil said...

nothing la. now that you asked, she's taking your gift back. STOP TRYIN TO RUIN THE SURPRISE!!

don't worry joy. you can tell me. what'd you get her?

the joy said...

jameil- im not telling. youll see the reason why when she gets it.
dont be frightened!!! its so cute. my mother is so rude. if i had a DOOR itd be a different story. id just lock it. im considering crocheting a big curtain that says DO NOT DISTURB...

la- you already know. we chatted about it the other day... it kind of goes with something you already have, nudge... its symbolic or some junk.