Thursday, September 20, 2007

Work dramas 2

I had no intent of having a sequel to yesterday's post so quickly, but today was quite a day.

*i got into an argument with a fellow employee on the elevator. Actually, about the elevator. I got on and pressed my floor, and he, a man I have never seen before, starts yelling at me about "what did you do that for, im using this!" duh, its an elevator and I'm using it too. Its pretty big. So I ask him, how was I supposed to know, you don't have it blocked off. "well I gotta do my work, I'm going down(I was going up and when the doors opened the up button was lit), yada yada, I need you to get off the elevator." all the while he's giving me the tone of "do as I say lil girl." so I told him, while still in the elevator, that he needed to stop talking to me like I was slow. "I'm not. I'm ex-plain-ing to you..." you're not actually telling me anything and as a matter of fact, if you would have just let me ride up, since the elevator has to go to the floor I pressed anyway, we could have avoided this situation. So he keeps yapping off and all I kept saying was that I didn't like the way he was talking to me. Then he says "I'm arguing over shit that aint mine." so I tell him that I'm arguing over respect and that's damn sure mine. Had my pressure up! I hadn't been clocked in for 3 minutes! Ugh! I would have had no problem if he would have told me from the get-go that they were using the elevators for whatever they were doing, when he saw me get in, instead of talking at me like he's my dad. Who btw doesn't even raise his voice at me, so what makes you think ima take it from you?

*then I come upstairs to find next weeks schedule finished. Yay! But then our new manager (the old one left to be with her fam, and this guy works in room svc and is here for the interim) is bitching cuz he didn't approve it first. So now he and mom-hating supervisor are arguing about that, and about how mom hater had finished the schedule and was tending to a crying associate "cuz that's what we do up here." and he's all, "its your job to care, not mine." uh uh rudeness, don't nobody get paid to care. And I guess that means if you saw her crying you'd just walk right by? Damn. No heart. So he proceeds to say very loudly that he wants to see the schedule before she puts it out. You been managing for a few weeks. She's been doing our schedule for years. What does she need your approval for? Boo! I just wanna know what days I got off this week.

*when I walked into starbucks, later that day, I see a man at the drink cooler. He is putting tazo bottles into his bag. Then I see him walk to the counter to -i assume- pay. I know Breezy saw him too, cuz we were talking, looking dead at the man. Come to find out, the man didn't pay, and probably would have gotten away with it had he not spit in the direction of the security manager. Nasty. So now I'm a witness to a shoplifting and cops have to take my statement. I just wanna go on break, man! So I walk down to security, go in their office and wait for the cop to come question me. And hells yeah I'm gonna keep drinking my chocolate chip frappucino with raspberry syrup (yum) whilst I wait. So Officer Friendly comes in and asks for my ID, writes ALL my info down, and asks what I saw. I told him dude was putting drinks in his bag and he was so bold with it I thought clearly he sees me and would be a lil more sneaky about stealing. But apparently I was wrong... And so he got arrested. In addition to the teas, he also had a bag of socks, a pair of reeboks, some women's shoes, and an outstanding warrant. Gotcha! I just don't wanna have to wake up early to testify or some nonsense.

*goes to start Microsoft office.* I know they got a resume helper on this mug...


Jameil said...

criminals are amazing. you have a warrant and you're stealing in sight of everyone. perplexing!!

the joy said...

he was clearly cracked out. sigh...