Friday, September 07, 2007

I got a secret!

And some info that's not so secret.

*i am having a secret party. A Halloween party. The reason its a secret is because the other planners don't want their significant others to come and we don't want our coworkers there. Lmao! Kesi will be there, but they don't want their peoples there? Ooh wee! But people will be there and it will be fun. And do you remember what I said last year that I'd be this year? Its a go.

*Not so much of a secret: I'm a bloody sped. I left my wallet at stinking walmart. Not just at walmart, but in a cart outside of the garden center. And I didn't realize that I left it until I got through shopping at Ross (got this fly outfit and a gift for my buddy and spent less than $30) and I had to leave and run 3 stores down and pray the whole way. As soon as I stepped in the line at customer service the lady was looking for my ID and I screamed "that's my wallet!" that was a waste of my life over my stupid act.

*btw my outfit is so cute! Its brown knee-length shorts with beige stripes, and a peach, beige and brown 4 button blazer. We're going to a dinner party next week and I am gonna look so cute!

*im on facebook! I'm super late but I decided to join so I could see pix of my pregnant friend and my brother. But I love it. Its better than myspace! I'm catching up with middle school friends.

*my brother is joining the marines. Now before you go nutty Lauren, its my middle brother, not the one I was raised with. Still, its a bit of a shock. I'm the type of person that hates the fact that people have to go to the armed forces as a last resort in order to go to college, and now its really effecting my family. I'm kind of in a mad rush to get to know him and talk to him before he leaves... I just found out though and my mind is racing. Sigh.

*i was gonna post pix but blogger is tripping. Whateva!
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La said...

Yeah I almost freaked out. Good save!

Jameil said...

the military scares me. lmao @ secret party. i'm always terrified i'm gonna leave my wallet somewhere b/c i used to leave my purse places all the time when i was younger. muy irresponsible was i. now i have too many things it would be a huge hassle to replace so i stalk my stuff.

the joy said...

la- lmao i was thinking as i typed, now who would freak out as much as i would? lauren.

jam- nilitary scares me too. and my blood is going into it. ive always been vocal about the war, but now i am even moreso.
i need to stalk my ish too... i still dont have any idea how i did that but i thank god for the man who was smoking when i was going by and decided to take the cart in.