Friday, August 24, 2007

My new best friend.

Ok, lemme give you some info on this guy: his name is Mar, I've known him almost 3 years, he's really cute, and he likes to be naked, like 24/7.

Of course I'm talking about my baby cousin, AKA my shadow since Tuesday. He and his mother (my cousin), came down that day, and they're staying for the long haul. His grandma (my aunt) is here too, and is headed back Saturday. So anyways Tuesday was the day he started calling me George, and the day he did naked cartwheels in the livingroom before bath time. My friend asked, at what point does a naked human stop being cute? When they're old enough to know what other things can happen while naked besides cartwheels.

So yes, he's my lil shadow. First thing in the door he's asking, "George, where's turtle?" so he helped me feed mikey, who is outside because mom had to fumigate. When I go down stairs, "George, what you doing?" and by the time he gets downstairs I'm headed right back up. Poor lil short legs. No wonder he's so fit. He has a belly and when I mentioned it he tried to suck it in. "George, I'm spiderman!" and he hisses and flicks his "web" at me.

But there have been bad times... Wednesday he had troubles making it up to the bathroom, what with all the stairs. Also I think the newness is scary for him. He's still a baby so he didn't get in too much heat. And he at least made it in the bathroom before peeing on himself...gotta get my suede sneakers out of there...

Also, Mar is a morning person. I'm a night person. This is the only issue with our relationship. "George, wake up!" No George will not wake up, George is sleepy. Its 730, and George just barely got to sleep. How do you explain to a 2 year old that some people are on a night schedule? I do everything at night: talk, IM, crochet, watch tv, clean, the list goes on. This would be inconvenient, if not for the fact that everyone I'd deal with us awake at this time. Except Mar. Sleep by 10. Knocked the eff out. And then he's up at the crack of dawn asking about turtle and throwing my flip flops across the room.

So he's been my homie since Tuesday. My cuz is pregnant now, and I'm sure the 2nd boy is gonna be equally hype and in love with me. Lol, or possibly not, but he'll still be lovely and adorable and I'll treat him like a prince. Cuz I know I'm not gonna spoil my kids, so I gotta get that outta my system.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


La said...

awwww George :-)

Jameil said...

george is like the most fab name!! love it!!