Sunday, June 24, 2007

Back to reality.

My fun time weekend is over. Back to work. But here's a recap of my fun, with pix to come later.

Thursday was chill day. Kesi stayed over and we slept as long as possible. He, naturally, didn't wanna leave the hood and so I didn't go get my henna. My search was reduced to my last resort, the Starship, and I don't know if they have them anywhere but Georgia, but its a sex "accessories" shop that also sells swords, "water" pipes, and other things you wouldn't find in walmart. And no henna. The guy behind the counter, who seemed a tad socially awkward to me, kept saying that was a Lil 5 Points thing, to which I replied I'm aware, and the way he said "Lil 5 Points" twice made me think he meant "those weirdos," as if he wasn't working the night shift at a porn shop.

So besides that, Thursday was a chill day, had some Chinese, chilled with mom and tried not to melt. Lately I have become more creative in reference to the weather and what its hotter than: two hells, the devil's butt, sex, etc.

Friday. Let's start the day off with Lauren's arrival. She got to town, took a nap, then came to get me and got stuck in traffic. Naturally. She reached my house at 730, right after Kesi called me and said our friend Thurm was coming to pick us up at 830. What? Firstly, who gets ready for the club at 830? Second, I'm with Lauren and apparently haven't seen her since my birthday, and I'm not compromising our time. Kesi stated I was coming at him with an "energy" and needed to calm down. I later apologized and called Thurm and asked him to explain. He told me the same thing Kesi said, and invited Lauren. She was like, not if ya'll are going to the club at 9! Lol.

We talked and giggled in the car, and apparently I was rude to this fool who didn't catch that I was ignoring his ass in the gas station and had the pure balls to walk up to the car and try to holler. I gave him about 5 seconds of cracked window and told him to have a nice day. Boo!

After the most brief shopping excursion ever, we headed to la's pa's house and chilled. I met Honey, who is so sweet! She's a lil doll puppy. I want a dog! She's a lil bully though! She was nipping at dad's dog, who was like, I'm too old for this. Honey was just glad to have a playmate.

After a while, we decided to leave these 830 talking fools. It was like 1030 and they were at some guy's house getting pre drunk, unbeknownst to us. So we were like, we'll leave and they can meet us. So I text Kesi and tell him we're getting on the road. 20 minutes later I get a call talking about we're in line. Excuse me? When did you even leave? He was like, "you sent me a message talking about yall left..." And how does that communicate to me that you too are on the way to the club? At some point I got annoyed at him and was like whatever.

We eventually get to the club and get drinks. Midori sour for me, long island for La. And uh, I see a family friend in a got damn sweater vest. Now, I known this man since I was 15, and I've always seen him business cas, but it was 80 degrees outside and the club was underground. So it was hot in there. And you got on a vest. Sigh. Jameil, come get him.

We catch up with our party and I ask Kesi what he had to drink. A shot, two mixed drinks, and something else. WHAT? This is when I realized what they were doing pre-club.

The night was fun, even though Lauren left early to get ready for the wedding, and Kesi must learn to control his limbs. He kept hitting me in the head. At one point before Lauren left some song came on and they decided everyone should jump. I stopped cuz my hair, which I had semi-pressed and put in a ponytail (bad idea in the hot ass club) was frizzing, and I knew if someone touched it it'd lose its general order. And Kesi decided to muss my hair as if I could just easily just lay it back down. And now I look like some chick who just walked in off the street. No matter how I tried to explain it to him he didn't understand why I was mad at him. I grabbed his wrists and told him to calm down. He's cheezing at me and I realize he's too intoxicated to reason with. He was like, your hair's already frizzy. So? Why would you do that? It was frizzy, duh, but at least it was laying down. If we were at home I woulda laughed it off but we have never gone to the club together and if he was a stranger he woulda got slapped for that.

So anyway, had to be 110 degrees in that club. The music was great. The DJ was trying to make a political statement but he played himself. He was like, if its a ringtone, you won't hear it tonight! Then he plays mims and party like a rock star. He was all, this is anti BET! Ok, shh. He played some great songs, most from the 90s and even played "let me clear my throat" and I swear I did the Ed Lover dance.

There was a lil side room we decided to check out. I aged 10 years in that room. They were playing straight oldies. Nothing I wanted to dance to. Kesi looked at me and said, "are you bored?" Shrug... And so we went back to the main room. And right in time too! They started playing reggae. Buck buck! I'm suprised Kesi kept up with me, lol. Some dude kept slapping me with his dreds. Ew. I mean, I was sweating and whereever they hit me that area was instantly dry. Kesi wants dreds and they will be properly moistirized if I have anything to do with it. Dude even tried to dance with me. Stop!

The DJ was funny though. At one point he was like, "where my rockstars? We'll find out in a minute!" so he starts playing Party Like A Rock Star. Then he started playing Nirvana. Lol for like 3 seconds half the club was like huh? The rest of us were jumping and wilding out. He also played Lenny Kravitz and White Stripes. You never seen black kids act such a fool. I knocked someone's glasses off. Pushed people. Thurm got hit in the temple by Kesi's errant elbow. Then they played the Eurythmics. We were jamming, and everyone was greasy. I could go back to that club.

I'm gonna split this into two. I'll post on Saturday's craziness, including the after party, lol and our trip to the lake tomorrow.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

1 comment:

Jameil said...

sweater vest. sweater vest??? BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!
HUHlarious. love it. i mean hate it so much i love it. toooo freakin funny. inappropriate for the club any time of the year. so unattractive. oh man. too funny.

why are people who work in the adult business stuck up about other stuff? so funny and ridiculous.

i'm w/la: 9 @ the club!?!? booo!!