Tuesday, October 24, 2006


does anyone remember harvest night? i know madam feels me on this one. its when all the kids from church- especially those whose parents had an active role in said church- dressed up as bible characters and played party games on halloween. it was usually held in the fellowship hall. there was candy and music and yummy food, and lots of kids in sheets and sandals.

this was our way of not feeling left out. we never trick or treated. never even answered the door that night. it was the devil's holiday. we had a costume parade at school and i sat in the principal's office with two jehovah's witnesses and a three preacher's kids. but my mom always made sure the teacher understood that i could have candy and soda with the rest of my class. we thank her for that.

where am i going with this? i dont know. i just thought of it because there are two parties this weekend and i wanna go. i've never dressed up, except as bible characters, which is, as previously mentioned, sheets and sandals. i am not looking to be anything demonish, moreso characters i find interesting which i dont get to dress as on a daily basis. for instance:

one option is a butterfly/fairy. a few years ago i was in a bodyart show "dressed" as a butterfly, and i still have the custom made wings. of course this time i'd have on more clothes. only thing is, do i really wanna walk around with wings on?

the other is kind of a fifties pinup type look. i have a gingham dress i borrowed from my high school costume closet and its not at all fit for regular wear. but they do match these candy red pumps i have, and i might even be willing to wear black stockings to give it that aguilera-esque flair. i'm considering pressing my hair anyway, and i could do bangs! i look so cute with bangs!

anyway, fun times. i'm sure i'm gonna catch a lecture from my mom over my weekend plans, but i will take it if i can have a little fun. then on wednesday i'm going to grab some halloween mini reeses for the lowski. yum.


La said...

Oh God. You just brought back a million painful memories with this one.

Madam DLBG said...

Awww Shoot!!! The memories of Holyween!!!!!!!!!!! YOU KNOW I FEEL YOU!!! I had to put them joints together!

Madam DLBG said...

Wait, wait, wait...I just remembered one year I had to be Ruth...LMAO **shakes head** the stuff my folks made me do for Christ...lol

the joy said...

i know right? my god sister was sarah, and my mom put baby powder in her hair and a pillow under her sheet so she'd look like an old pregnant woman.

i hope you dont need therapy now lauren. despite all that i think i'm not going to let my kids trick or treat either.

Adei von K said...

Awwww guys!
old pregnant woman...

I'm feeling you should be fashionable for halloween and be the 50's pin-up!!! Yay!

La said...

You must let them trick or treat at least once! I am still severely scarred from never participating in the activity at least once.

As though I needed more.

I think so long as you make the distinction b/t the pagan aspects of the holiday versus some of the more seedy aspects that have come to be, they will grow up more informed and not all screwed up. I mean, are you not gonna let them Easter egg hunt? Not buy them Christmas presents? They all represent celebrations and customs not rooted in religion.

the joy said...

hello? i didnt easter egg hunt. dont get me started on the only pic of my bro and an easter bunny. and we stopped christmas presents when i was 15... but i see your point. i will look at these things as they come along...

i think i might go fifty's too. i have to do a prelim costume fitting, lol.

Jameil said...

hahahaha! we didn't call it that but i never went trick or treating and definitely went to church w/some wack costume or none at all. sigh. i don't even remember any costumes they were all so horrid. that's bad. i want to be a cat. that's what i've always wanted to be. i love both your costume ideas. esp. the black tights w/candy red pumps. fab! i'm working early the next day so doubt i'll do anything for halloween and can't do anything on the wkend... b/c I'M WORKING! which is also the reason i'm missing homecoming. i'm abt to go jump off a bridge. please excuse me.

Jameil said...

wait!!!! no easter egg hunt?!!! now that's just criminal. we stopped christmas presents around that time, too. maybe 16 or 17. something horrid. UGH!!! i don't like that one. at all!!!