Tuesday, April 03, 2007

my current photo situation

pix!!! always fun, and if i could i'd upload them straight from my phone. moving on...

me and Brefontiane, before the performance and the 2nd drink, so we both look perty norm.
my huey hat. everyone keeps trying to steal it from me.

isnt this pretty? the first warm day. i feel like i really know how to take pix when they come out this nice.

this is what i was talking about in my "in bloom" post. i wish i had come up with the idea on my own, but i didnt. i saw it in the MODA gift shop near my job. but then i said, i can do that! before i added sprinkles, my bro said, "is that an acorn?" gtfohwtbs! its clearly a yummy oversized cupcake. acorn.... i figure i might make cakes too! good idea? would you buy a crochet cupcake?


Jameil said...

a crochet cupcake? that sounds wrong. lmao @acorn!! hilarious. not a cap fan but that's a cute pic of you.

La said...

Dammit now I wanna cupcake

the joy said...

jamiel, why does it sound wrong? He really crushed me for a moment. I was like, acorn!?:( thanks. I love that pic.

La eat a damn cupcake! Its tour birthday!