Tuesday, April 10, 2007


That's how my coworker says it. How he gets that N in there is beyond me. Anyway...

I went to church Sunday. Yay! Before you go thinking I'm onea those people who only churches on the holidays, I really haven't had the time/energy to go to church, which is a bad thing. Til this weekend, conveniently.

I went to world changers. Haven't been there in years. It was very nice though. *note: all the things you may have heard are not true. World changers is a great church. I have no problem with pastor dollar preaching about prosperity, because for one, its better that hellfire and yelling, and two, I aint trying to be broke and struggling all my life. Furthermore, most pastors got bank. He's just realer with his.*

Anyway, the teaching was on relationships. No real Easter sermon here. But I appreciated that. No one was really doing the Easter outfits either, except a few older ladies of the "big hat" variety. Probably cuz it was so cold out. I mean I had on a sweater. Last week I didn't even have on a jacket.

Sorry. So, permarital compatibilities and questions to ask yourself before attempting to marry. I'm happy to say that in his absence, kesi passed. It was a two part thing, and I missed last week, and I hate to admit I did get the church itis, but I'm considering downloading the Podcast (I know, right?) of the whole sermon. I been all in my own head about my impatience for my impending marriage, so this might be good for my sanity. The parts of service I did stay fully aware for were great. I got a real peace after the turmoil of the funeral and I feel so much better when people reinforce my thoughts as the right way to go.

On a whole nother note in the world of Christianity, I was sitting with my mom and she happened to stop at the "word" channel, and some preacher lady was on talking some true crazy. Ok, not so crazy, but more opinion than should be in a pulpit. I mean, we came in on her talking about how you can't be hiphop and Christian. "you say hiphop is a culture, but its a sinful culture!" what?! Let me point out that this lady had to be like 40s and was def around for the birth of said culture. She should know its based on observation, writing what you know. Ok, so, if you grew up in the hood, but you know God, why can't you rap about it, and wear your jersey if you want to? If it reaches someone and turns them to God, who are you to say what it is or isn't? Its a God given talent! Ugh! Which leads me to the next thing she said: choreography has no place in church. What? What about praise dancers? She was all, nothing should be shaking in the lord's house! Oh... So then she gets my mom heated talking about women wearing pants in church, at which point I asked my ma to change the channel. But wait, there's more: you shouldn't date. Just get married. That's essentially what she said. "what can two 15 year olds do?" um, lady, dating is a part of normal social interaction. Whether it be a movie, pizza, or chilling at home, in a group, just the girls, or one on one. Its relevant. And without common male-female interaction you end up reinforcing chauvinism and abuse. Especially if you are so willing to marry your child off like you just traded her for cattle or a dowry. This is what I got from the way she said this. Mind you, she hadn't quoted one scripture to back up her old lady rant.

Had to get that off my chest. It was the craziest thing and a problem I have with "people of God" and worse, it was a woman preacher. I figure she should know better. Eh.

Ps: go see grind house. Sooo good! I plan on reviewing it soon.
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Adei von K said...

i soo can't past his name being pastor dollar. i can't.

that woman preacher.

needs to stop.



she's giving religion a bad name

La said...

N? Lol

And you know how I feel about your pastor so I'll refrain.

And seriously lady? Seriously. THIS is the word of God?
Uh huh.

Ms.Lady said...

Wooow....did she have a reeeaally thick southern accent?? That would make is sooo much worse...lol...she must have been raised in the dark ages...oh well.. "to each his own cuz im sure gon' do me" is my new life moto.... but i couldve sworn we are not to judge God takes us all as we are??

the joy said...

Stace- come now, he was born with that name.

La- he is the king of putting extra letters in words. He puts a t in women's.

And didn't you read the parts in the bible where Jesus yells at everyone?

Leese- hi! No she had that church accent. Like the lady from the madea plays. Clearly our church was the only one that taught that god judges solely.

Jameil said...

i take issue with pastors driving jags and the like. i don't believe you should be poor but when you're wearing gucci slippers (i.e. the pope), to me, there is a problem. how can you preach about helping the poor when you willingly spend hundreds or thousands on accessories?

i totally want to be a hat lady. that's so hot.

didn't david dance? hello lady.