Friday, March 30, 2007

In bloom

1. So in case you didn't know, the pollen count here in lovely Atlanta is in the 5000 range. Second only to Tennessee. 150+ is considered high. I think we need a new rating system.

When I made my hate list, how did I not add pollen to that list? Must have wrote it in winter. I'm thinking of writing a new one just so pollen can be at the top of the list. But of course, with a hate list comes a love list. And I love love.

Anyways, let's talk science. Do you know what pollen is? Semen, or sperm, or some male reproductive stuff. EW! And its in my nose, and my throat, and just flying through the air trying to deflower my sinus cavities and yours too. Nasty. I'm not that kind of girl. And people wonder why I spit so much! (was that too suggestive?) I can't wait till it gets too hot for anything to live.

2. I saw the cutest thing at a museum gift shop that I have to make. I'll be sure to put up pix as soon as I finish. I don't wanna ruin the suspense, just know that its an adoreable idea and you'll wanna have one.

3. I hate when older people use their age as an excuse to dismiss your point of view. This man told me I didn't know about hard times because I said I'd never betray someone for money. We were talking about how circuit city (who I may be boycotting) is firing employees only to rehire them at a lower pay. Totally unfair, and I could never be a boss if I had to turn my back on the people who were making my money for me like that. Btw, my manager agreed. The guy said, that's the way of the world and I'll see one day, blah blah. I said its against my beliefs and my morals to be so callus just for money. And he said once I hit hard times I'd see what I'd do for money. And I told him money is not the end of things. (btw, I believe this man has probably been in jail, as he worked for a staffing co. And most of them from this co are ex-cons. So he probably has done some bad things for a quick come up. He gave that vibe.) and he's all, you're naïve, you'll see, you just wait. And I told him about how I've seen hard times- kinds went into detail- and I'll never be on the streets because people know I'm a good person and they are willing to help me cuz they believe in me. And as long as I have hands to crochet with I'll get dough. And he told me what I've been through is nothing. And I told him its the hardest I'll ever have to deal with because I'm not the type to do "anything for money" and so I'll always be better off. And all he could say was, you'll see.

I can't stand that! Ok yeah older people may have lived longer but that doesn't mean they know everything. I respect an opinion, but sometimes mine doesn't get the same respect. And if you really think I'm so naïve, don't condescend to me, tell me what you've seen and I'll do the same. But he just wrote me off as a girl who he probably thought was a green teen. Seems he could have learned from me too.
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Charreah said...

girl, i feel you so much! You dont have to be old to be wise or just have been through some things and just cuz you old, well, you know the rest. Im getting mad just thinking about some of the things people say so i guess its time I end this commet.

Jameil said...

how about sunday when i was at home, i opened the door and sneezed. the pollen there was above 2000. STOP IT! i don't miss that at all.

the joy said...

Queen- yay! Hi! I know the youth would feel me. Some older people act like life just started for them at 35 or something and you were never my age. Gtfoh.

Jamiel- its truly sick. Nasty. Everything is a yellow- green and I can't even sit on a bench. and I always have pollen-taste in my mouth. Barf.

Adei von K said...

ummmmmmmm, why is high 150+ when clearly, in some areas, it gets to the 1000s??? new scale is right. I remember walking outside to a yellow car in Tallahassee cause of all the pollen. glad i'm not allergic

trippin the hell out at sperm trying to deflower your nasal cavity :-)

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