Tuesday, September 05, 2006

look ah that!

i'm back after a long weekend...

if there's one thing i am, its an animal lover. and a lover of fellow animal lovers. so last night at about 3am i was riding home and i read that steve irwin died. the croc hunter. just about the most famous animal guy in the world. the car went sad and quiet while i read aloud what little information was given at the time. he was stabbed by a stingray. died trying to teach us about the animals he loved. you could see it in his eyes, he was passionate about what he did.

the boyfriend and i would watch his show and get all giggly every time he'd say, 'look ah that! what a beaut!' it got to be one of our sayings.

he was 44! my mom is that age. and he's got kids. at least they're old enough to remember him and that he was a good man.

more on my weekend and the biggest sci-fi convention in the US coming soon.

1 comment:

Jameil said...

the first blog/comments i've heard that didn't make me roll my eyes. nice job.