Wednesday, March 15, 2006

march is: National Major Misconception Month!

so there have been many a post this month about people and how they are seen, whether they are light skinned or have natural hair. i must say that i too am misconcieved because of my outward appearance, and i feel its time to share, in the hopes that people will stop making stupid comments directed at yours and mine truly:

1: i am not one of those "concious" girls.
i got this one today in electronic music class. we were talking about The Game, who i think is generally wack, and when asked what kind of music i listen to i mentioned Talib Kweli and Mos Def, along with others who the guy i was talking to chose to ignore.

"so you one of them concious girls?"-he notices my andy warhol print scarf on my head (cuz i didnt wanna do my hair-more on that later)

"no, i just like good rappers. The Game is typical. and also wack."

ok people... just because i refuse to fall into the G-Unit trap, doesnt mean i am one of those "the black struggle" people. honestly, i'm struggling enough for me, i dont need to worry about the rest of us. stop trying to figure me out!!! if he had asked who my favorite musicians were, it would have been a long time before a rapper's name would have popped up. i prefer rock. but since i am african american, that never even registered to him. so maybe i am concious in the way that i am smarter than most people, but that has nothing to do with my musical preferences. kweli likes 50 cent. think about that.

2: i am not muslim.
i cannot recall the ammount of times people "a salam alakum"-ed me when i had a scarf on my head. once again, sometimes i dont wnna do my hair. i have about 5-6 scarves for just such an occasion. they are pretty, and serve their purpose. i have alot of hair, despite the fact that my fro is usually tightly curled. i dont know SHIT about islam, except what a few of my friends and my theologist mother has told me. i saw malcolm X once... i was little. anyone can cut up some fabric or go to the hair store and get a damn scarf. dont play yourself. (side note: women never assume i am muslim. is this some kind of pick up line?)

3: i have my hair natural because...
when i turned 15, it started falling out. not for any ethnic or religious reason. pure vanity. ironically, i was dating a caucasion when i first started growing my fro.

vanity is also the reason i color it. i think it looks better red than brown. why did i press it last week? vanity. like i said, it curls tight and i love it, but it takes me HOURS to do anything to it. i usually have to have a day off just to wash it. its versatile. i'd never get a perm again, or dreads, so stop asking!!!!!

4: i do care about my looks.
i just dont care what you think of them. not even my mother cant get me to not wear jeans and sneakers to church. i cant remember the last time i wore a dress. my philosophy on shirts is, "if youre gonna stare at my breasts, you should have something to read." i dont wear makeup because i'm already that pretty. i have great skin and i'd like to keep it that way. furthermore, i am SO VERY SHALLOW. its a sickness really.

5: i actually love pork.
i just dont eat it. when i was 15, i saw a show where a group of people taking care of baby pigs. they are so cute! adoreable! so i decided that when i got older i was gonna have a runt pig (like wilbur from charlotte's web). knowing pigs are smart, i decided to stop eating pork. ever once in a while i'd eat bacon, but i'd only regret it and it made me sick. turkey bacon tastes better too. once again, not a religious thing. also, i am not a vegetarian. i'm just a picky eater.

for those of you that know me, this was probably just a laugh. if you dont know me, maybe we could all stop making assumptions about people. take the time to learn about people. we're pretty interesting and dont fit any mold but our own.


Jameil said...

now THAT was hilarious! i just had to share the "so you have something to read" part w/my co-worker. she called it thoughtful. hahaha!! lolol! i too am lazy sometimes, plus vain b/c i think i look gorgeous w/a scarf on (true). talib likes 50??? that's nasty. muslim! the nation of islam has some cah-RAZY beliefs. i mean crazy.

i don't press my hair b/c it takes too long and i'll just sweat it out in my sleep. i would love to wear a fro every day b/c it can be so easy, but when it won't pick out, that ish is annoying. and there's never a day when i want someone to start singing "pick yo afro daddaaaaaaaay b/c its flat on one side!!!!"

the joy said...

girl i'm having a non-picked day today. i keep pulling at my hair. just got out of music class and i had on head phones, lol.