Friday, April 13, 2007

Shock, grind and scatter

I purchased Timbaland's "shock value" and added it to my player today. God, I love anything he touches. *sidenote: he produced Bjork's new album and I can't wait to get it! They are both off the wall with it, so I know its gonna be good.* so far, I love the album. Even the artists I usually wouldn't listen to. Lord knows I can't stand Fall Out Boy but that song is bomb. Also, the song with the Indian chick I think that one is my fave. "Bounce," with Justin, is just funny to me. Most songs with Missy make me laugh. The weirdest thing is that Magoo is on the album. Where has HE been? Overall, I love the cd and it was already worth it to buy on beats alone. He has Elton John, not singing, just playing the piano, and its deep.

And as I mentioned, I saw "Grind House" this weekend. It was the sickest, funniest, nastiest, best movie I've seen in a long time. If you haven't heard, its actually a double feature and runs 3 hours. But think about it, 2 for 1 in this time of $8 tickets? Brilliant. And its worth it.

Anyways, the first movie, "planet terror," was great. It was an ensemble thing, and I spent half the movie trying to figure out how Rose Mcgowan maneuvered that fake leg look. Fergie is not the bomb actor. Hard to believe I used to love her on Kids Incorporated. Quentin T had the grossest part of that movie. I mean, bleggh. After the movie there were fake trailers. I would watch some of those movies if they were real. And I spent 15 minutes cracking up over them. "Thanksgiving" was gross but hee-larious. "Death Proof" moved slow at first. There was a lot of exposition. But when it got in there, it really got in. And I HATED the part where Sydney Poitier talks about her big ass, when the first thing I (and kesi, and our friend Sam) said about her was, "there's a black woman with no ass." irony? So Anyways, if you've heard that this is the best car chase EVER, it is. I mean, none of that Michael bay, explodey, cgi, green screen bull. This was all real. Genius. And the ending made me laugh. Go see it folks, if you like that sort of thing.

Lastly, my cousin Lysey has a blog now. In just 3 and a half entries she's shown me that a lot of things I thought were unique to me may just be a part of my family's nature. Read it. She's very wise and is really pouring herself out. So anyway the site is Read it!
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Jameil said...

hurray for aol radio. listening to it now. the first thing i thought before listening was, this will be a great workout cd. wheeee. def need a new one of those.

kind of scared of tarantino. def freaked out by the machine gun leg. its one thing to like ferg in kids inc. i mean come on you were a kid, too. of course she can't act tho. i mean... haven't you seen her videos? so lame. <--- not a fergie fan.

the joy said...

Oh Yes I love that cd. Tim always keeps me moving.

You're right. Can't get mad at teeny joy. I didn't know fergalicious was gonna suck so bad at acting.

Madam DLBG said...

YAY for the family blogger. I will definitely check her out.

Still debating about grindhouse. I'm reluctant because of my experience with how I feel about SinCity...