Monday, April 02, 2007


1. I was at my friend's house the other night, and we were talking about a mutual friend that we knew at different times in life, lovingly referred to on this blog as DD. (sidenote: she got a breast reduction and I should consider changing her name. But I won't.) I first met her in 6th grade and I remember vividly her asking me a question and my turning to answer and thinking, wow she's pretty. And my friend thought the same thing, and so I turned it into a joke about me questioning my sexuality at age 12.

I've always had the ability to admit women are attractive. I believe that admiration and jealousy are a step away from each other. This belief makes me laugh every time my cousin gets mad at lil bow wow. Instead of saying, that guy's alright, he's all, put a damn shirt on! Hilarious! Anyways, I think its the way I was raised. You bould say a person was pretty without them thinking you wanted to make out. And I'm rarely jealous of a girl for the way she looks. Except that one time we went into vickies and kesi's girlfriend and all her cleavage were working there.

2. I love hair. I sometimes say I have a hair fetish, but I don't think I get any gratification from hair. That's kinda nasty. I think its more aesthetic. I like to touch it and look at it. And god help me if you just washed it. I love shampoo smells. I love to wash kesi's hair. Especially when it was long. I once told him that I'd marry him just for his hair, and have pretty haired kids. His family all has this gorgeous natural curl that I adore.

A friend of a friend has hair like kesi's used to be. Every time I see him its braided, except the other night it was out and I couldn't stop looking at it. He was leaving, but I wanted him to talk to us for a second so I could get a better look. He didn't. Sad face.

And what's that guy's name? The ball player? Something Noah. Kee-yute! Plays for the gators. I noticed him Saturday, with his lil pony tail. And his grunts. Don't hate ugly Ohio guy. If your mom taught you not to have emotion on a basketball court she shoulda taught you not to be rude.

3. I met Daughtry. The whole band, not just Chris. Actually I didn't talk to Chris, though he did stop by the store. He talked to my co-workers who had no idea who he was. lol. Maybe I watch too much TV? Anyways, he's kind of short, but in a cute way. And he's bald. I like him in a hat.

The rest of the band is so nice. We talked for a lil while about life and families and snakes. They were the type of guys I think I'd be friends with if they weren't traveling all the time. I think I'm gonna buy the cd. Usually I like to wait for the second single or until I hear more tracks, but they are good guys and they deserve to win. Most rock people have that aura of stuck-up-ness, but they were just so cool. Attractive.
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Adei von K said...

i feel you on recognizing that women can be beautiful without us being lesbians. there are some chicks I can't take my eyes off of. but i don't want them and i'm not jealous of them.

i'm "NOT" jealous of celebrities like J. Lo's non-singing ass and Beyonce's wanna be actress self... i hate them.

Jameil said...

i love freshly shampooed hair too. it smells so great. i just love soap smells. ain't nothin like a man who smells like soap!!!! love it. chris is a cutie. heeeeeeey boo. that's what i would've said.

the joy said...

Stace, I think its our natural confidence and beauty that allows us to say, that chick is cute.

jamiel, you know what I like, deodorant. Brut and speed stick. Yummy smells. Chris was lookin holler-at-able. But i can't be a groupie!

La said...

I loooooove hair. I'm trying to get the Mexican to grow his. He refuses. I need a new tactic, lol

Jameil said...

not so much with the deodorant. but i do like laundry detergent, too.

the joy said...

Ooh la he so should! But him being from here it'd probably be dreds. Boo.

Yeah detergent works too. But I used to think brut was a cologne it smelled so good.