Sunday, December 10, 2006

santa baby

if you didnt know, this is not my favorite time of the year. i hate christmas music and its cold out. i am a christian but i dont believe this holiday is reflective of my spiritual beliefs. seeing as how jesus was born in spring, and the only reason we have it this time of the year is to coincide with the winter solstice... dont get me started on the trees. i'm sure i went over all this last year.

but last night, while listening to santa baby for the billionth time, a thought occured to me. when is santa going to die?

i know santa doesnt exist. i never believed in him because my mom refused to let someone else take the credit for her work. there was many times throughout history some man who helped the poor: kris kringle, sinter klaus, etc... and saint nicholas, the patron saint of something. maybe gifts, or kids, or chimneys? eh. but those men have died.

so every year we're laden with images of white men in red suits being the hero. getting that thing you couldnt find. making it all around the world to make sure everyone's happy. and so as a child we believe that the white man is a hero. by the time we find out that its a myth, the damage is done. its too late. and besides, mom lied to us.

i believe that this idea, placed in our minds at such a young age, keeps us from believing women can be the hero. marriages in which women make more money are more likely to fail. my hotel manager is one of two black female hotel managers in the city. we get so suprised and congratulatory when a woman comes to power in government. if we were equals i dont think it'd be such a shock.

so will he ever die? will the subconscious ideals be rubbed out and erased? this man has lived for thousands of years. these ideas have been here for longer. i'm glad my mother refused to try to trick me. i plan to do the same for my kids. keep it real with them. i want to be their hero.


Madam DLBG said...

omgosh joy, we r on the same note right now. I truly am a "bah humbug" when it comes 2 christmas. I can't stand carols or christmas music (i only actually like 3 "christmas" songs) and I'm tried of this capitalization on some bs holiday. *sigh*....we,re so here my friend.

Adei von K said...

ima try again

i don't see x-mas as a religious holiday but an economic exploit. similar to valentine's day; another day to give loved ones gifts. i don't even call it christmas cause there is no Christ in it. anthony browder broke down how the wise men clearly couldn't have travelled in the winter and how shepards def wouldn't have been out with no sheep.

but i do like the music :-)

the joy said...

madam. yeah. i just get tired of people getting mad over christmas trees as if jesus had one.

stace. glad to see you made it! yeah that's a whole other tangent for me. i was told that the wise men didnt get to a newborn jesus. he was walking by the time they met him. which would explain kind herod's vendeta against young kids, not just infants.

Jameil said...

that was surprisingly militant of you and i kind of liked it. i think i'll do the santa thing for a while tho my mother burst our bubbles when i was like 7 (i already knew anyway). i don't want my kid being the one pulled to the side not to ruin other people's christmas! i actually love christmas songs and sometimes get caught up in this time of year. i'm so hard to shop for i'd rather people just spend time with me. if you must get me something, go with a gift card!

the joy said...

yeah i just plan on explaining people's belief in santa the same way i explain alternatives to our religion. its what people choose to believe and its not our place to tell them they're wrong. i was definitely one of the kids ruining it. my principal came in and i was like why are you wearing that costume mr hannah?